We Get to Change It When It’s No Longer Useful

I LOVE the challenge of figuring out how to move toward a pose I’m inspired by but can’t get into yet. It’s fun to narrow down the mechanics of a pose to isolate what is essential to focus on in order to create something new. 

I taught the ‘Adjustments’ workshop (1 of 3 of my Saturday Workshop Series) a couple weekends ago so we could do just that, focus on the essentials of each pose and learn to understand them through assisting and adjusting each other. I had a blast working with a great group of teachers and students who settled into YG for an afternoon to geek out on alignment cues on how to create support and understanding in a series of poses through learning adjustments.

I had a great discussion with a few of the attendees afterwards. Our take away was this: when we learn something more useful or better, we don’t have to keep doing it the same way. We get to be creative and to keep evolving. Our yoga practices teach us not to get caught up in what we can’t do and to stay focused on what we can. That this is a cyclical process of learning. We will get physically fit and healthy as we weave and unwind through practice on our mats and it’s also a very useful metaphor for the way we’re moving through the world off our mats.

This Saturday our focus will be handstands and inversions. We will ‘workshop’ the mechanics of what  actions we can start to isolate and focus on to work toward just sticking a handstand, headstand or forearm balance in the middle of the room (it can happen!). We will stop and start and do demos and ask questions. We will make our way through a solid sequence of poses that will give us all a deep understanding of what is essential to get into these poses with strength and flexibility. All in the incubator of creative learning and evolving that makes YOGA Garden the wonderful, collaborative space to learn and grow that it is. It’ll be fun, you should come.

Workshop #2 – Handstands and Inversions
Saturday, October 28th, 2017
Noon – 3:00
All levels welcome.
Please send an email to laurel@yogagardenmpls.com to reserve your spot.
Bring cash or check the day of or pay and reserve your spot via credit card HERE.